Our Story

Nature's Healing Water of Japan

An Accidental Discovery

Our journey began when Eric Shinichi, founder of IREN Shizen, visited a hot spring resort in the mountains of Hokkaido Japan. He made a chance discovery of the secret behind the locals’ naturally glowing skin: their weekly soaks in the rejuvenating onsen water known as “Bijin-no-yu”, which means hot spring of beauty.

Fascinated by the skin-regenerating effects, he was inspired to share this beauty secret with the world by infusing this legendary healing water into his skincare formulations, culminating in the creation of BIYUSEN™.

From Onsen to Our Labs

Through the marvel of biotechnology, we have recreated this precious onsen water in our labs, ensuring its purity and potency are preserved in every drop.

Introducing BIYUSEN™, this revolutionary lab-grown ingredient is now the cornerstone of every IREN Shizen product, infusing each with the transformative powers of Japan's most exclusive onsen.

Efficacy is Everything

No matter how powerful, if an ingredient fails to penetrate the outer skin layer, it remains ineffective, a promise unfulfilled.

Our encapsulated bioactive technology transforms this challenge into triumph. Through precise delivery, potent molecules are guided deep into the skin, ensuring optimal absorption and catalyzing unparalleled regeneration and repair at a cellular level.

The Art of Individual Beauty

Inspired by the ancient Japanese philosophy of "Oubaitori," we believe in honoring every individual expression of beauty. The wisdom of Oubaitori stems from the kanji for the four spring-blooming trees: cherry blossoms, plum, peach, and apricot. Each flower graces the world in its own time, a poetic reminder that we all grow and bloom at our own pace.

Just as you are one of a kind, your skincare should be too. We craft personalized routines with custom skincare products, meticulously tailored to each individual.

Preserving Earth's Water

As a brand born from nature, we aim to return the kindness it bestows upon us. Our commitment to sustainability is unwavering; we ensure our sourcing practices tread lightly on the earth. Rather than harvesting from the sacred onsen, we replicate its water ingredients sustainably within our labs, preserving its pristine beauty.

In partnership with local communities across Africa & Southeast Asia, we embark on missions to cleanse our oceans of plastic, championing the belief that water—the origin of all life—is the essence of beautiful skin and a vibrant existence.

"Experience the beauties of nature, and in doing so learn about yourself."

- Kachou Fuugetsu 花鳥風月